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about us

who we are

Light Body Society is a community-centered movement and brand focused on holistic and authentic spiritual growth and divine connection. Created by Ocoa Okosha and Wind Walker, and originally named Ocoa and Wind LLC, we expanded into something much more.


What we envision

In a rapidly destabilizing world structure, we recognize the need to gather people who are focused on building a strong global community. We are creating space that gathers people from all walks of life, and merges our uniquely held inner wisdoms as a collaborative and co-creative energy. We aim to encourage communication on a deeper level, and to push the boundaries of spiritual consciousness through exploration of energy, sexuality, and connection. 



What We Do

We hold space to explore. How do we do this? We provide services to help find these answers individually. As the community develops itself, we all hold space for each other, taking into account the varied backgrounds and paths we all have that led us to being ready for community. The left-side of Tantra traditionally forms pods of people doing the same work, holding a combined vibration. This is our goal.


Meaning, we also want to help you to connect to others who are on this journey just like you. We do this through hosting events such as breathwork ceremonies, group workshops, and various trainings. All are centered around the core visions: Light Body awareness and activation; and creating a society of people dedicated to discovering our true purpose as humans on Earth.



Our values

Please see our acronym for more details! We had fun with our rebranding assistant on this one.


Play: When entering this journey, we move past judgments to experience bliss.

Liberation: We actively shed layers to become free from self-imposed constraints.

Expansion: We find our edges and explore past our comfort zones.

Authenticity: We reconnect to our true nature and allow ourselves to be seen.

Self-Awareness: Through mind body and spirit practices we explore all the chambers of the self.

Education: By communicating with others, we share knowledge, experiences, and wisdom.

Relationships: Building connections and community through spirituality, sexuality, and play.


What is "Discover. Align. Transcend." ?

Discover more of your inner world through exploration of different modalities, such as Light Body Energy Sessions and Oracle Readings. All of our offerings incorporate elements of many different lineages and backgrounds, including Tantra, Yoga, Reiki, and Shamanism. These services are offered both in individual journeys and intensive group formats. Through this process, you will align deeper with your authentic truth and heart-centered expression. Finally, we transcend old stories and karmas to dive into brand new realities and frequencies, creating a brighter world for us all.

What is 'Light Body'?

Light Body is beyond the mind's comprehension, but not exclusive of it. It is what we access as we learn to merge it all; The mind, the physical body, the heart, and the spirit. The soul. It is a way of being. An access point to higher frequencies. 


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