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our Services

Light Body

What is a Light Body Activation? At the core, a session is about meeting the body, mind, and spirit from various approaches. No two sessions will be alike. Ever.


That's good news. Why?


Since we combine many elements, we fuse energy practices of Reiki, Yoga, Tantra, channeling, and Shamanism. Sometimes it is calming and peaceful, other times it is more fiery and activating. We just let the guidance come and we move from there. Each detail exists just for you in that moment.


During a session, you may experience feelings, emotions, visuals, and sensations. You may feel that you are transcending into different dimensions. You may have emotional releases. No matter what comes up, it will all lead you to a more intimate connection with yourself and a sense of greater purpose on all levels.

*We recommend a minimum of 4 of these sessions since the Light Body is a journey to reconnect with!

Tantric reiki sessions

Tantric Reiki is tapping into the body's energy focused through the Chakras, using Reiki energy channeling to direct the flow. 


If this is for you then you're seeking very specific work around your Chakras. Tantra is a dynamic and powerful way of working with our energy bodies. It has no limitations, so Tantra is often fiery and explorative.


 Reiki is traditionally more gentle, and much more specific to finding inner peace. The two paths together can bring a safe and holistic approach to going anywhere you feel is healing and activating.

oracle card readings

Our Oracle card readings are all about energy. We guide you through an experience, using intuition and breath to not only channel universal energy and wisdom, but to help you connect to your version of this within yourself. We pick cards often with no set layout or placement, letting the energy and cards guide us as they will. This is a great option if you have specific questions in your life at this moment or are looking for overall guidance on your life path.

Shamanic energy sessions

Shamanic Energy Sessions revolve around a more traditional shamanic experience. We will connect more to earthly wisdom and mysticism as a way to find and maneuver through blockages you have.


Shamanism is a widely varied approach to helping move through the mind in order to gain insights into choices we face in our everyday lives. Like Tantra and Light Body Activations, there is no set way to go about this, so being open is key. 


These sessions can be held in a room with a massage table, out in nature, or really whatever serves best at any given time. The whole point is moving out of the mind and into a place of receptivity.

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